Excellent news from Nepal! Our senior students (all those 18+) as well as the staff at Kailash Home recently received their COVID vaccinations. Each of the staff and students received a single dose of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine which means in just two weeks time they will be considered fully inoculated without the need for a secondary dose at this time. The staff at Kailash have reported that all the children are doing well following their vaccinations, and that no one suffered any adverse side effects.
Students and Kailash staff before and after vaccination at a public inoculation site in Kathmandu.
While many developed nations around the world are nearing or surpassing the 50% mark for fully vaccinating all residents -- as of this week the United States had fully vaccinated over 49% of its population -- Nepal has only reached just over 5% of the population completely vaccinated. The fact that some of our students are among such a small percentage is a testament to the care and efforts of our Kailash staff, our international partners, and our sponsors and donors, including you!
We are still awaiting the opportunity for our younger students to receive their vaccinations, but for now, this is a big step forward and toward normalcy for everyone at Kailash. Thank you for your continued support of our Kailash COVID Fund which makes caring for our young people and staff possible even as the pandemic continues to present ever changing challenges to all of us.