Dinner Is Served!


Chances are if you walked into your kitchen right now you could find more than a few of the following things: fresh milk & eggs, leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, or kale, and most likely some sort of meat product. For many of us accessing a variety of fresh, delicious foods is as easy as taking a few steps down the hall or at most a quick car ride to our local grocer. For people in Nepal, including our Kailash Kids, things aren’t always quite so simple.

It is our mission here at HYF to provide wholly for our children - from safe housing to quality education to a balanced, healthy diet - which is why in 2019 we brought in an external nutrition strategist to help us construct an updated set of workable guidelines for Kailash Home. While the pandemic delayed the process for a while, we have recently been able to implement these new standards!

All of the children are now receiving a better variety of foods throughout the week including:

  • fresh leafy greens, like spinach at least 3 times a week

  • eggs at least twice a week

  • a meat entree at least once a week

  • fresh milk twice a week

  • a variety of 9 different beans at least twice a week

  • fresh fruit at least once a week

  • plus, supplemental fresh seasonal vegetables from our Kailash gardens!

These improvements will provide more variety and even better health for all of our children, but they are not without additional costs. So hopefully today, as you sit down to enjoy something delicious for dinner, you’ll consider our Kailash Kids and how just a little bit of support from you can help us provide a healthier future for them!

Bon Appétit!


Head Cook Swasthani has been providing delicious meals for the residents of Kailash since 2005.


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